Institut für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz Forschung Publikationen Publikationen - Details
Investigation of the Formation of of Residual Nuclei from <sup>Nat</sup>U with 660 MeV Protons

Excitation Functions for the Production of Residual Nuclides with Emphasis on Light Heavy Ions

Kategorien Veröffentlichungen
Jahr 2001
Autoren R. Michel
Veröffentlicht in in: D. Filges, F. Goldenbaum. Y. Yariv (eds.) Proc. of the Fifth Workshop On Simulating Accelerator Irradiation Environments (SARE-5), July 17-18, 2000, OECD Headquarters Paris, ISSN 1433-559X, ESS 112-01-T, April 2001, pp. 27 - 53