Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection Research Publications Publications - Details
Status of <sup>236</sup>U analyses at ETH Zurich and the distribution of <sup>236</sup>U and <sup>129</sup>I in the North Sea in 2009

Status of 236U analyses at ETH Zurich and the distribution of 236U and 129I in the North Sea in 2009

Categories Veröffentlichungen
Year 2015
Authors M. Christl, N. Casacuberta, J. Lachner, S. Maxeiner, C. Vockenhuber, H.-A. Synal, I. Goroncy, J. Herrmann, A. Daraoui, C. Walther, R. Michel
Published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interaction with Materials and Atom

DOI 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.01.005