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(2021): Expert*innendissens und das reversible Verfahren der Suche nach einem Endlagerstandort für hochradioaktive Abfälle, In B. Brohmann, A. Brunnengräber, P. Hocke, & A. Isidoro Losada (Eds.), Robuste Langzeit-Governance bei der Endlagersuche (pp. 325–347)
(2021): Reversibilität im Kontext der Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle: Begriffsbestimmung und Entwicklung eines konzeptionellen Ansatzes von Reversibilität, B. Brohmann, A. Brunnengräber, P. Hocke, & A. Isidoro Losada (Eds.), Robuste Langzeit-Governance bei der Endlagersuche (pp. 301–323)
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ISBN: 978-3-8305-5010-5 -
(2019): Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response, Springer-Nature, Singapore
ISBN: 978-981-13-8326-7 -
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(2019): Fit für den technischen Strahlenschutz, 200 Aufgaben zum sicheren Umgang mit Quellen ionisierender Strahlung, Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien More info
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(2019): Strontium Contamination in the Environment, Springer-Verlag, Germany
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(2018): Schlüsselakteure der Endlager-Governance. Entsorgungsoptionen und -strategien radioaktiver Abfälle aus Sicht regionaler Akteure, Springer VS, Wiesbaden More info
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(2014): Heavy metal remediation: Transport and accumulation in plants, Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA
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(2024): Effect of Ba(II), Eu(III), and U(VI) on rat NRK-52E and human HEK-293 kidney cells in vitro, Science of the Total Environment
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(2024): Different Impacts of Ni2+ and Li+ to Plants and Mycorrhiza Systems: Roles of Bioligands Forming Various Metal-binding Complexes in Cells and Apoplast., Inouhe M, Walther C, Gupta DK (Eds.), Lithium and Nickel in Plants and Environment. World Scientific Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore pp. 139-169.
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(2023): Multi-element isotopic analysis of hot particles from Chornobyl, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Hazardous Materials 452 (2023) 131338
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(2022): On the way to remote sensing of alpha radiation: radioluminescence of pitchblende samples, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 331:5401–5410
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(2022): Virtuelle Experimente aller Art – verschiedene Formen und Anwendungen im Vergleich, SSP 3/2022, 28. Jahrgang 2022, S. 28-34
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(2020): Gas Ionization Detectors, M. F. L’Annunziata (ed.), Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis, 4th ed., Elsevier/Academic Press, London, pp. 245-308.
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(2019): Plant responses under strontium and phytoremediation, Pathak P, Gupta DK (Eds.), Strontium Contamination in the Environment. Springer Publication, Germany pp. 85-98
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(2019): Two Major Nuclear Emergencies: A Comparison of Chernobyl and Fukushima, Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response, Springer-Nature, Singapore, pp. 5-22
ISBN: 978-981-13-8326-7 -
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(2019): Uranium and plants: Elemental translocation and phytoremediation approaches, Gupta DK, Walther C (Eds.), Uranium in Plants and the Environment Springer. Publication, Germany pp. 149-162.
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(2019): Radioiodine Releases in Nuclear Emergency Scenarios, Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response, Springer-Nature, Singapore, pp. 175-228
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(2019): Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide generation in plant cells: Overview and queries, Gupta DK, Palma JM, Corpas FJ (Eds.), Nitric oxide and Hydrogen peroxide Signaling in Higher Plants. Springer Publication, Germany pp. 1-16
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(2019): Bioethanol production from waste lignocellulose: A review on microbial degradation potential, Chemosphere 231:588-606
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(2019): Radionuclides in surface waters around the damaged Fukushima Daiichi NPP one month after the accident: Evidence of significant tritium release into the environment, Science of The Total Environment 689:451-456
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(2019): Sorption of radiostrontium on different soils, Applied Geochemistry 101:103-108.
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(2019): Use of inorganic hexacyanoferrate sorbents for analysis of radiocesium in aqueous samples, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 321:133-139
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(2019): Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) for beryllium-7 measurements in smallest rainwater samples, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 319:965-973
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(2019): Use of sorption methods for strontium removal, Pathak P, Gupta DK (Eds.), Strontium Contamination in the Environment. Springer Publication, Germany pp. 203-226
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(2019): Aspects of quality assurance and performance of strontium-selective resins under non-routine conditions: old resins, delayed elution, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 320:467-474
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(2019): Uptake and elemental distribution of radiosilver 108mAg and radiocesium 137Cs in shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes), Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 322:1761-1769
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(2019): Molecular evidence on transport of thiocyanate into rice seedlings and assimilation by 13C and 15N labelling and gene expression analyses, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 139:11-17
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(2018): The role of mass spectrometry for radioactive contamination assessment after the Fukushima nuclear accident, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 33 (2018) 519-546
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(2018): Resonant laser – SNMS for spatially resolved and element selective ultra-trace analysis of radionuclides, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry More info
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(2018): Radiostrontium transport in plants and phytoremediation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:29996–30008
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(2018): Potassium and its role in cesium transport in plants, Biologia (2018) 73:885–896
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(2018): Green adsorbents for radioactive pollutants removal: A mini review, In: Crini, G., Lichtfouse, E. (Eds.), Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World. Springer Publication, Germany, pp. 377-396
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(2018): Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit in ENTRIA. Erfahrungen aus fünf Jahren Bearbeitertreffen, Schriftenreihe ENTRIA-Arbeitsbericht-13 ISSN (Online): 2367-3540
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(2018): Potential source apportionment and meteorological conditions involved in airborne 131I detections in January/February 2017 in Europe, Environmental Science & Technology 52 (2018) 8488-8500
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(2018): Plants response and tolerance to oxidative stress induced by arsenic, In: Hasanuzzaman, M., Nahar, K., Fujita, M. (Eds.), Mechanisms of arsenic toxicity and tolerance in plants. Springer Publication, Japan, (ISBN 978-981-13-1292-2) pp. 105-128
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(2018): Characteristics of radiocesium contaminations in mushrooms after the Fukushima nuclear accident: evaluation of the food monitoring data from March 2011 - March 2016, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (2018) 2409-2416
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(2018): Anthropogenic radionuclides in water samples from the Chernobyl exclusion zone, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318 (2018) 426-428
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(2018): Environmental radioactivity studies in Kabul and northern Afghanistan, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318(3), 2425-2433 | File |
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(2018): Determination of the parameters of selective 137Cs sorption onto natural and ferrocyanide-modified glauconite and clinoptilolite, Radiochemistry 60:35-41
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(2018): Sorption methods in rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated lands surface-modified sorbents based on natural aluminosilicates, In: Gupta, D.K., Voronina, A.V. (Eds.), Remediation Measures for Radioactively Contaminated Areas. Springer Publication, USA, pp 51-64
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(2018): Treatment of radioactive waste after rehabilitation of contaminated areas, In: Gupta, D.K., Voronina, A.V. (Eds.), Remediation Measures for Radioactively Contaminated Areas. Springer Publication, USA, pp 245-258
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(2018): Microarray-based expression analysis of phytohormone-related genes in rice seedlings during cyanide metabolism, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25; 19701-19712
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(2018): Chemical and radioanalytical investigations of 106Ru-containing air filters from Vienna in fall 2017: Searching for stable element anomalies, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318 (2018) 415-421 More info
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(2017): Prospects of combating arsenic: Physico-chemical aspects, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany, 103-121
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(2017): Studies on arsenic and human health, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 37-66
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(2017): Health and environmental applications of gut microbiome: A review, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 24:467-482
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(2017): Arsenic: Source, occurrence, cycle and detection, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 13-35
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(2017): Arsenic and its effect on major crop plants: Stationary awareness to paradigm with special reference to rice crop, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany pp 123-143
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(2017): Strontium in the ecosystem: Transfer in plants via root system, In: Gupta, D.K., Walther, C. (Eds.), Behaviour of Strontium in Plants and the Environment. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 1-18.
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(2017): Investigation of low level 242Pu contamination on nutrition disturbance and oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L., Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24:16050-16061
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(2017): Arsenic contamination from historical aspects till present situation, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 1-12.
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(2017): Strahlenschutzausbildung in Deutschland und den Niederlanden: Exemplarischer Vergleich von Lehrinhalten beim Umgang mit offenen Stoffen, Das neue Strahlenschutzrecht - Expositionssituationen und Entsorgung, 49. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz, 09.-12. Oktober 2017 in Hannover, Tagungsband, S. 108-113, ISSN 1013-4506
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(2017): Potential role of microbes in bioremediation of arsenic, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Arsenic Contamination in the Environment: The Issues and Solutions. Springer Publication, Germany, pp 195-213
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(2014): In vitro selection of plants for the removal of toxic metals from contaminated soil: Role of genetic variation in phytoremediation, In: Gupta, D.K., Chatterjee, S. (Eds.), Heavy Metal Remediation: Transport and Accumulation in Plants. Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA
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(2012): Wie können wir mit Unsicherheiten leben?, Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V. 2012, Karlsruhe, in Hrsg. Chr. Wernli, J. Breckow, G. Frank,: Strahlenschutz für die Zukunft – der FS und seine Arbeitskreise, TÜV Media GmbH, Köln, 2012, pp. 30 – 41
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(2009): Cetylpyridinium aggregates at the montmorillonite– and muscovite–water interfaces: A Monte Carlo study of surface charge effect, Langmuir, 25, 6250-6259
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(2009): Bestimmung von Plutonium-Isotopen in der Umwelt mittels AMS nd Alphaspektrometrie, In: F.J. Maringer, R. Czarwinski, T. Geringer, A. Brandl, A. Steurer (Hrsg.) Leben mit Strahlung von den Grundlagen zur Praxis, 6. Gemeinsame Tagung des Österreichischen Verbandes für Strahlenschutz ÖVS und des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V. FS mit Workshop der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik ÖGMP, 41. Jahrestagung des FS, 21. bis 25. September 2009, Alpbach, Tirol, TÜV Media GmbH, TÜV Rheinland Group, Köln | File |
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(2005): Residual Nuclide Production by Proton-Induced Reactions on Uranium for Energies between 20 MeV and 70 MeV, in: R.C. Haight, M.B. Chadwick, T. Kawano, P. Talou (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fee, 26.09. - 01.10.2004, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 769, Melville, New York (2005) pp. 1547 - 1550
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(2004): Residual Nuclide Production by Proton-Induced Reactions on Uranium for Energies between 20 and 70 MeV, Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fee (2004) AIP Conf. Proc. 769, pp. 1547 - 1550
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945300 -
(2004): Iodine-129 in Soils from Northern Ukraine and the Retrospective Dosimetry of the Iodine-131 Exposure after the Chernobyl Accident, The Science of the Total Environment, Vol 340, Iss 1-3, p 35 - 65 | File |
(2004): Protection of the Abiotic Environment, IRPA 11, 23.-28.05.2004, Proceedings CD (2004) paper 2h10, pp 1 - 10
(2004): From the HINDAS project: Excitation functions for residual nuclide production by proton-induced reactions, Int. Conf. Nucl. Data for Science and Technology, Santa Fee (2004) AIP Conf. Proc. 769, pp 1551 - 1554
DOI: 10.1063/1.1945301 -
(2004): Long-Lived Radionuclides in the Environment: On the Radioecology of Iodine-129, In: S.M. Qaim, H.H. Coenen (eds.) Advances in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Extended abstarcts of the 6th Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC-6), 29.08.- 03.09.2004, Aachen, Schriften de Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Allgemeines und Interdisziplinäres, Vol. 3, ISSN 1433-5565, pp. 666 - 668 (2004)
ISBN: 3-89336-362-9 -
(2004): Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium-Energies - Finalizing the HINDAS Project, in: S.M. Qaim (ed.) Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004, NEA/NSC/DOC(2004) 14, INDC(Ger)-050, Jül-4151, 28-36, November 2004
(2004): Cosmogenic nuclides in the Martian meteorie ALHA 77005, Lafayette and Zagami, In: S.M. Qaim, H.H. Coenen (eds.) Advances in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Extended abstarcts of the 6th Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NRC-6), 29.08.- 03.09.2004, Aachen, Schriften de Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Allgemeines und Interdisziplinäres, Vol. 3, ISSN 1433-5565, pp. 502 - 504 (2004)
ISBN: 3-89336-362-9 -
(2004): Uptake of trivalent actinides (Cm(III)) by hardened cement paste: A time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy study, J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 276 118–124
(2003): Verlagerungen natürlicher Radionuklide im Muldesystem als Folge des Augusthochwassers, Tagungsband BMBF Statusseminar "Schadstoffbelastungen im Mulde- und Elbe-Einzugsgebiet nach dem Augusthochwasser 2002", Freiberg, 27. - 29.08. 2003, 92 - 95
(2003): Verlagerungen natürlicher Radionuklide im Muldesystem als Folge des Augusthochwassers, Tagungsband BMBF Statusseminar "Schadstoffbelastungen im Mulde- und Elbe-Einzugsgebiet nach dem Augusthochwasser 2002", Freiberg, 27. - 29.08. 2003, 92 - 95
(2003): Sorption of radioiodine by different organo-cation/clay systems, EUROCLAY 2003, June 22-26, 2003, Modena, Italy
(2003): Study of the generation and stability of thorium(IV) colloids by LIBD combined with ultrafiltration, Coll. Surf. A 217 63–70
(2003): Comparision of colloid investigations by single particle analytical techniques - a case study on thorium-oxyhydroxides, Coll. Surf. A, invited 217 81–92
(2003): Die Laser-Induzierte Breakdown Detektion zur Analytik von aquatischen Kolloiden im Ultraspurenbereich, FZK Nachrichten 35 179–184
(2003): Numerical Simulation of Neutron Capture Production of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Stony Meteorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38 (2003) Supplement A89
(2003): Modelling the environmental transport of tritium in the vicinity of permanent atmospheric sources: Field data for wet and dry deposition of tritium. In: Modelling the Environmental Transport of Tritium in the Vicinity of Long-Term Atmospheric and Sub-Surface Sources, Report of the Tritium Working Group of the BIOMASS Programme, Theme 3, IAEA, Vienna (2003) 131-159
ISBN: 92-0-102303-0 -
(2003): Production of He-, Ne-, Ar-, Kr-, and Xe-isotopes by Proton-Induced Reactions on Lead, Proceedings TRAMU: Workshop on Nuclear Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste, GSI Darmstadt (Germany), September 1 - 5, 2003
(2003): Investigation of cross sections for the formation of residual nuclei in reactions induced by 660 MeV protons interacting with natural uranium targets, Proceedings TRAMU: Workshop on Nuclear Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste, GSI Darmstadt (Germany), September 1 - 5, 2003
(2003): Fallout and Transfer into the Human Food Chain of Cesium-137 and the Radiation Exposure of Inhabitants of Contaminated Areas in Northern Ukraine, Health Physics 84 No. 4 (2003) 502 - 517
(2003): Wirkungsquerschnitte / Cross sections MI_96.sig is a data file containing thin-target cross sections measured by our collaboration during recent years., Zentrum für Strahlenschutz und Radioökologie
(2003): Was ist und wofür benötigt man die realistische Ermittlung der Strahlenexposition?, Klausurtagung des Radioökologieausschusses der SSK 2003, 25./26. Nov. 2003, Eltville, Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission
(2003): Medium-Energy Nuclear Data to Decipher the Cosmic Ray Record in Extraterrestrial Matter, Proceedings TRAMU: Workshop on Nuclear Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste, GSI Darmstadt (Germany), September 1 - 5, 2003
(2003): Assessment of the Human Impact on the Abiotic Environment - Indicators for a Sustainable Development , International Conference on Protection of the Environment from the Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Stockholm, 6-10 October 2003, Contributed papers, IAEA-CN-109, IAEA, Vienna (2003) p. 263 - 266
(2003): Production of Residual Nuclides by Neutron- and Proton-Induced Reactions, Proceedings TRAMU: Workshop on Nuclear Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste, GSI Darmstadt (Germany), September 1 - 5, 2003
(2003): Langfristige Entwicklung von Iod-129 in der Umwelt, Klausurtagung des Radioökologieausschusses der SSK 2001, Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission, Band 49, BMU (2003), Urban & Fischer, München, 26 - 56. | File |
(2003): Langfristige Entwicklung von Iod-129 in der Umwelt, Proc. Klausurtagung des Radioökologie ausschusses der SSK 2001, Veröffentlichung der Strahlenschutzkommission, Band 49, BMU (2003) Urban & Fischer, München, 26 - 56
(2003): Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium-Energies - Investigation of Proton- and Neutron-Induced Reactions within the HINDAS Project, in: Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003, NEA/NSC/DOC(2003)7, INDC(Ger)-049, Jül-4074, 27 - 36
(2003): Comprehensive Study of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Martian Meteorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38 (2003) Supplement A94
(2002): Estimation of the radiation hazard indices from natural radioactivity of rocks and building materials, Proc. 6th Radiation Physics Conference, 27. - 30. 10. 2002, Assiut, Egypt, 555 - 570
(2002): HINDAS A European Nuclear Data Program for Accelerator-driven Systems, Conf. Proc. "Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2001", Nucl. Science Technology, Supplement 2 (2002) 1161 - 1166
(2002): HINDAS - A European Nuclear Data Programme for Accelerator-Driven Systems, 7th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation, 14-16.10. 2002, Jeju, Rep. of Korea
(2002): Assessment of Radon-222 concentrations and exhalation rates of rocks and building materials, Proc. 6th Radiation Physics Conference, 27. - 30. 10. 2002, Assiut, Egypt, 571 - 580
(2002): Contamination problems from uranium mining in Kyrgyzstan: - The 'hotspot' Mailuu-Suu -, Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment, 1-5 Sept. 2002, Monaco, 220-223
(2002): Laser-induced breakdown detection for the assessment of colloid mediated radionuclide migration, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 195 374–388
(2002): Neues zu Fachkunde und Unterweisung, Novelle der Röntgenverordnung - Erläuterungen für die Praxis, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz: FS-02-121, 2002
(2002): Production of Krypton and Xenon Isotopes in Thick Stony and Iron Targets Isotropically Irradiated with 1600 MeV Protons, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 37 (2002) 951 - 976
(2002): SCANDAL - a facility for elastic neutron scattering studies in the 50 - 130 MeV range, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A489 (2002) 282 - 303
(2002): Untersuchungen zur Strahlenexposition durch natürliche Radionuklide aus dem Steinkohlebergbau in der Vorflut, in : R. Michel, M. Täschner, A. Bayer (Hrsg.) Praxis des Strahlenschutzes: - Messen, Modellieren, Dokumentieren -, Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V., Kloster Seeon, 21. - 25. April 2002, TÜV-Verlag, Köln (2002) 227 - 234. | File |
(2002): The influence of internal degrees of freedom on the unimolecular decay of the molecule-cluster compound Au8+CH3OH, J.Chem. Phys. 116 9658
(2002): Production of Residual Nuclides by Proton-induced Reactions on Target W at 72 MeV, Conf. Proc. "Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2001", Nucl. Science Technology, Supplement 2 (2002) 369 - 372
(2002): Comparative study of natural radioactivity of some selected rocks from Egypt and Germany, Proc. 6th Radiation Physics Conference, 27. - 30. 10. 2002, Assiut, Egypt, 545 - 554
(2002): Messunsicherheiten und Charakteristische Grenzen nach DIN und ISO als Grundlage der Qualitätssicherung, in : R. Michel, M. Täschner, A. Bayer (Hrsg.) Praxis des Strahlenschutzes: - Messen, Modellieren, Dokumentieren -, Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V., Kloster Seeon, 21. 25. April 2002, TÜV-Verlag, Köln (2002) 81 - 88
(2002): Fallout and Migration of Iodine-129 in Contaminated Areas of Northern Ukraine, Int. Conf. Radioactivity in the Environment, Monaco, September 1-5, 2002
(2002): Cross Sections for the Production of Radionuclides by Proton-Induced Reactions on W, Ta, Pb and Bi from Thresholds up to 2.6 GeV, Conf. Proc. "Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2001", Nucl. Science Technology, Supplement 2 (2002) 242 - 245
(2002): Iodine-129 as a longlived tracer in the environment, Proc Int Conf on the Study of Environmental Change using Isotope Techniques 23-2742001, IAEA, Vienna, IAEA-CSP 13/P. Vienna: IAEA; 2002b. p. 336 - 345
(2002): Long-lived radionuclides in the environment: The Case of Iodine-129, Proceedings EUROSAFE, Berlin 2002, November 4 - 5, Berlin; 2002
(2002): Messunsicherheiten und charakteristische Grenzen nach DIN und ISO als Grundlage der Qualitätssicherung, in : R. Michel, M. Täschner, A. Bayer (Hrsg.) Praxis des Strahlenschutzes: - Messen, Modellieren, Dokumentieren -, Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V., Kloster Seeon, 21. 25. April 2002, TÜV-Verlag, Köln (2002) 81 - 88. | File |
(2002): Characterization of Radioactive Waste Products in the Context of the New German Radiation Protection Ordiance and of Relevant Standards, 4th Int. Seminar on Radioactive Waste Products, Sept. 22 - 26, 2002, Würzburg. | File |
(2002): 129I und 127I in europäischen Böden, in : R. Michel, M. Täschner, A. Bayer (Hrsg.) Praxis des Strahlenschutzes: - Messen, Modellieren, Dokumentieren -, Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V., Kloster Seeon, 21. 25. April 2002, TÜV-Verlag, Köln (2002) 167 - 174. | File |
(2002): 129I und 127I in europäischen Böden, in : R. Michel, M. Täschner, A. Bayer (Hrsg.) Praxis des Strahlenschutzes: - Messen, Modellieren, Dokumentieren -, Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V., Kloster Seeon, 21. - 25. April 2002, TÜV-Verlag, Köln (2002) 167 - 174
(2002): Ion-molecule reactions of Ru+ and Os+ with oxygen in a Penning Trap, Radiochim. Acta 90 337–343
(2002): Cross Sections for the Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium-Energies Relevant for Accelerator-Driven Technologies, Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002, NEA/NSC/DOC (2002) | File |
(2002): Cross Sections for the Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium-Energies Relevant for Accelerator-Driven Technologies, in: Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002, NEA/NSC/DOC(2002)8, INDC(Ger)-048, Jül-3996, 26-33
(2002): Radionuclide Production from Lead by Neutron-Induced Reactions up to 175 MeV, Conf. Proc. "Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2001", Nucl. Science Technology, Supplement 2 (2002) 373 - 376
(2001): Organophiler Bentonit und Vermicilit als Anionenadsorber. I. Einfluss von Temperatur und unterschiedlichen Gleichgewichtslösungen auf die Iodadsorption an organophilem Bentonit und Vermiculit, Berichte der Deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V., Tone in der industriellen Anwendung. (K. Czurda und A. Wefer-Roehl, Herausgeber) (2001), Band 8, 178-185
(2001): Retardation capacity of organophilic bentonite for anionic fission products, J. Contaminant Hydrology 47, 255-264
(2001): Tritium Transport from Source to Soil, In: Radioecology: Radioactivity and Ecosystems. E. Van der Stricht and R. Kirchmann (Eds.), Fortemps Drukkerij, Liège, Belgium (2001) 188-200
(2001): Absolute cross-sections for the nonresonant multi-photon ionization of toluene and xylene in the gas phase, Chem. Phys. 265 243–250
(2001): Neues zu Fachkunde und Unterweisung, Novelle der Strahlenschutzverordnung - Erläuterungen für die Praxis, FS-01-117/1, TÜV-Verlag Köln, 2001
(2001): Anforderungen an neue Fachkunde-Richtlinien im Strahlenschutz im technischen Bereich, StrahlenschutzPraxis 4, 2001, 3-8
(2001): Neue Dosisgrößen im Strahlenschutz: Konsequenzen für die Praxis, StrahlenschutzPraxis 4, 2001, 60 - 66
(2001): Exposure History of the St-Robert (H5) Fall, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 36 (2001) 1479 - 1494
(2001): The production of cosmogenic nuclides by GCR-particles for 2? exposure geometries, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 36 (2001) 1547 - 1561
(2001): Thin Target Cross Sections for Proton-Induced Production of Radionuclides in Lead for Ep < 71 MeV, Radiochimica Acta 89 (2001) 697 - 702
(2001): HINDAS - A European project on High- and Intermediate-energy Nuclear Data for Accelerator-driven Systems, ADTTA '01 "Nuclear Applications in the New Millenium", Reno (USA) November 2001
(2001): Wirkungsquerschnitte / Cross sections Proton-Induced Production of Residual Radionuclides in Lead at Intermediate Energies, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 463 (2001) 593 - 633. | File |
(2001): Proton-Induced Production of Residual Nuclei in Lead at Intermediate Energies, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 463 (2001) 593 - 633
(2001): Die natürliche Strahlenexposition: Ursprung, Höhe, Schwankungsbreiten, StrahlenschutzPraxis (2000) 7, 1 (2001) 9 - 10
(2001): Natürliche Radionuklide in Lebensmitteln und ihre Bedeutung für die Strahlenexposition, StrahlenschutzPraxis (2000) 7, 1 (2001) 11 - 13
(2001): Excitation Functions for the Production of Residual Nuclides with Emphasis on Light Heavy Ions, in: D. Filges, F. Goldenbaum. Y. Yariv (eds.) Proc. of the Fifth Workshop On Simulating Accelerator Irradiation Environments (SARE-5), July 17-18, 2000, OECD Headquarters Paris, ISSN 1433-559X, ESS 112-01-T, April 2001, pp. 27 - 53
(2001): Environmental Radioactivity Measuring Methods, Proceedings ECORAD 2001, AIX EN PROVENCE, 3 -7 Septembre 200, in: F. Bréchingnac, B. J. Howard (eds.) Radioactive Pollutants - Impact on the Environment, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France (2001) pp. 27 - 62
(2001): 15 Jahre nach dem Unfall von Tschernobyl: Ein Überblick über die radiologischen und radioökologischen Folgen, in: Neue Entwicklungen im Strahlenschutz, Seminar der TÜV Akademie GmbH, 28./29. Juni 2001, München, 58 pages
(2001): High and Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data for Accelerator-Driven Systems (HINDAS) Labor für Radio- und Umweltchemie der Universität Bern und des Paul Scherrer Instituts, Annual Report 2000 (2001) 40, PSI Scientific Report 2000, Vol. 1 (2001) 158
(2001): Nuclear Data for Modeling the Production of Residual Nuclides at Medium Energies, in: Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001, NEA/NSC/DOC(2001)15, INDC(Ger)-047, Jül-3894, July 2001, 25 - 30
(2001): Environmental Radioactivity Measuring Methods, Proceedings ECORAD 2001, Aix en Provence, 3.-7. September 2001 in: F.Brechingnac, B. J. Howard (eds.) Radioactive Pollutants - Impact on the Evironment, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France (2001) pp 27-66 | File |
(2001): Natürliche Radionuklide in Lebensmitteln und ihre Bedeutung für die Strahlenexposition, StrahlenschutzPraxis 7, 1 (2001) 11 - 13. | File |
(2001): Decay pathways and dissociation energies of copper clusters Cun+ (2 - 25) Cun2+ (15 -25), J. Chem. Phys 114 2955–2962
(2001): Cosmogenic Nuclides in Iron Meteorites: Challenging Canyon Diablo, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 36, 9, Suppl. (2001) A132
(2001): Update on Recoil Loss of Spallation Products from Presolar Grains, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 36, 9, Suppl. (2001) A155 - A156
(2000): Electron impact ionisation / dissociation of size-selected gold cluster cations, J. El. Spectros. Relat. Phenom 106 179–186
(2000): Similarities and differences between nuclei and metal clusters, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 402–404
(2000): The interaction of gold clusters with methanol: Infrared photodissociation of mass-selected Aun+(CH3OH)m, J. Chem. Phys. 112 752–760
(2000): Organophilic bentonites as adsorbents for radionuclides. I. Adsorption of anionic and cationic fission products, Appl. Clay Sci. 16, 1-13
(2000): Multicollision-induced dissociation of multiply charged gold clusters Aun2+ n = 7 - 35 and Aun3+ n = 19 - 35, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 202 47–54
(2000): Ionisierende Strahlung und ihre Effekte, VDI Technik und Leben, Ausgabe 1/2010, März 2010, ISSN 1433-9897
(2000): High and Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data for Accelerator-Driven Systems - the HINDAS Project, in: Proc. "Sixth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation", Madrid, 11-13 December 2000
(1999): Thermionic electron emission of small tungsten cluster anions on the millisecond time scale, J. Chem. Phys. 110 8754–8766
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(1999): Observation of electronic and geometric shell structures of small silver clusters, Eur. Phys. J. D 9 169–172
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Talks/Conference contributions
(2022): X-ray dose and spectrum measurements with a novel X-ray detector for potential hazards of laser-matter interaction, High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2022
(2021): A citizens workgroup helps researchers reflect on their work, Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 211–213, 2021
DOI: -
(2020): Advanced Application of Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (DESI MS): Radionuclide Speciation in Plant Parts, 53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020 und 27. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Münster, Deutschland, 01.03.2020-04.03.2020
(2020): Mapping of elements in various environmental matrices with LA-ICP-QQQ-MS, 53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020 und 27. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, Münster, Deutschland, 01.03.2020-04.03.2020
(2019): How to become a radioactive detective: unraveling the mysterious release of 106Ru in fall 2017. (Plenary Lecture), The 64th Conference on Radiobioassay & Radiochemical Measurements (RRMC), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27 October - 1 November 2019
(2019): How to become a radioactive detective: unraveling the mysterious release of 106Ru in fall 2017. (Plenary Lecture), The 64th Conference on Radiobioassay & Radiochemical Measurements (RRMC), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27 October - 1 November 2019
(2019): Some speculations and their assessment of the release of radioruthenium in fall 2017. (Plenary Lecture), Envira 2019 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 8-13 September 2019
(2019): Nuclear emergencies: A challenge for science and society. (Plenary Lecture), 13th CBRNe Protection Symposium, Malmö, Sweden, 24-26 September 2019
(2019): European monitoring of the atmospheric ruthenium-106 episode in fall 2017. (Plenary Lecture), 2nd International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (RANC II), Budapest, Hungary, 5-10 May 2019
(2019): Invited for a lecture on does really Phyto/Bioremediation tools are useful for remediation of radioactively contaminated areas, Department of Biology, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 18 June
(2019): Accumulation of uranium (U) and its phytotoxic symptoms in Pisum sativum L., 76th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Chugoku-Shikoku, Hiroshima University, Saijo, Japan, 11-12 May.
(2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclides in Plant Parts by TRLFS and DESI MS, Envira 2019 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 8.-13.09.2019
(2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and TRLFS, Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie 2019 (GDCh), Dresden, Deutschland,25.-27.09.2019
(2019): Neue Lernformen in der Strahlenschutzausbildung - Zwischenergebnisse aus dem europäischen Projekt MEET-CINCH, Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz, Würzburg, 9.-12.9.2019
(2019): 135Cs/137Cs-Verhältnisse bestimmen via ICP-QQQ-MS: Vorversuche mit 137Cs, 27th Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectrometry (SAAGAS 27), München Garching, 24.-27. Februar 2019
(2019): Assessment of radiation hazards for athletes or visitors of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, JRNC-RANC 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 5.-10.5.2019
(2019): Radioanalytical investigations of surface water samples from Fukushima, 27th Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectrometry (SAAGAS 27), München Garching, 24.-27. Februar 2019
(2019): Determination of 135Cs/137Cs-ratios via ICP-QQQ-MS: Tests with 137Cs and sample pretreatment, GDCh Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie 2019, Dresden, 25.-27. September 2019
(2019): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by DESI MS and TRLFS, JRNC-RANC 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 5.-10.5.2019
(2019): From radioecology to environmental nuclear forensics, Öffentlicher Vortrag an der Universität Salzburg, Austria, 3.3.2019
(2019): Radioaktive Freisetzungen in die Umwelt: Vom Monitoring bis zur nuklearen Forensik, 15. Europäischer Chemielehrer/innenkongress, Wien, Austria, 27.4.2019
(2019): Die Schönheit verwunschener Orte. Eröffnungsrede zur Fotoausstellung, Filmstudio und Galerie Bric à Brac, Wien, Austria, 15.3.2019
(2019): Separation of radiosilver from radiocesium in various matrices, 27th Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectrometry (SAAGAS 27), München Garching, 24.-27. Februar 2019
(2019): Chemical and Radioanalytical Investigations of Ruthenium106 in Environmental Samples, 27th Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectrometry (SAAGAS 27), München Garching, 24.-27. Februar 2019
(2019): Nuclear Forensics on the 135Cs/137Cs ratio by ICP-QQQ-MS, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Rostock, 10.-15. März 2019
(2018): Progress in spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMS, Frühjahrstagung DPG Erlangen, 05.03.2018, MS: Fachverband Massenspektrometrie, MS 2: Laser Assisted Mass Spectrometry
(2018): Analysis of Plutonium containing Particles by Resonant Laser-SNMS, Plutonium Futures 2018, San Diego California, USA, 9.-14.9.2018
(2018): Radioactive waste contamination: Remediation through Bio/Phytoremediation techniques, 11th International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties. Trabzon, Turkey, 12–14 September 2018
(2018): Saprophytic fungi reduces NO generation but increases H_2 O_2 production in winter rye plants, 7th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Nice, France, 24-26 October
(2018): Accumulation and retention of radionuclides (Sr/Cs) by saprophytic fungi: Possible effect on uptake of these radionuclides by plants, RAD 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia, 18-22 June
(2018): Speciation and analysis of soil-plant transfer of I-129 and Tc-99 for dose estimation in crop cultivation, Cores symposium on Radiation in the environment – scientific achievements and challenges for the society, 16. - 17. April 2018
(2018): Learning outcomes for E&T programs for RPOs responsible for open radioactive sources – A German Dutch Comparison, 5th European IRPA-Congress, The Hague,
(2018): Prediction of 129I sorption and mobility in the soil vadose zone using long-term column experiments, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Measuring and Deciding under Uncertainty - the Fundamentals of ISO 11929 -, JHPS 2018, Sapporo, June 29 – 30, 2018
(2018): Radon und Risiko: Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung, Dosiskonversionsfaktoren, Grenzwerte, 67. Radiometrisches Seminar Theuern: Radon in Erde, Luft und Wasser, im Haus, Tier und Mensch, 27. April 2018
(2018): Speziation von Uran in wässriger Lösung: Optimierung einer thermodynamischen Datenbank und deren Validierung durch Modellierung und vergleichende Experimente, Fachkolloquium der Abteilung B.2 „Wasser und Boden“ der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, 09.02.2018
(2018): Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments, Goldschmidt2018 12.-17.08.2018, Boston USA
(2018): Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a thermodynamic database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments, 18th Radiochemical Conferenz 13.-18.05.2018, Marienbad Tschechien
(2018): Radioanalytical Investigations of Water Samples from Fukushima. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Spatially resolved analysis of micrometer sized hot particles from the Chernobyl environment by rL-SNMS, ATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
(2018): Analysis of radionuclide containing particles from Chernobyl by resonant Laser-SNMS, SIMS Europe 2018, Münster, Germany, 16.-18.9.2018
(2018): Beryllium-7 at DREAMS, DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (AMOP), Erlangen, 04.-09.03.2018
(2018): Beryllium-7 at DREsden Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Workshop on Ion and Particle Beams (Ionenstrahl Workshop), Darmstadt, 24.-25.03.2018
(2018): En route towards mass spectrometric imaging on plant parts: First DESI MS measurement, CORES Symposium on Radiation in the Environment: Scientific Achievements and Challenges for the Society. Helsinki, Finland 16.-17.4.2018
(2018): Direct Speciation of Radionuclide Uptake into Plant Parts by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, ATAS 2018, Nice, France, 6.-9.11.2018
(2018): Nuclear Emergencies: A Challenge for Science and Society. (Plenary Lecture). Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Lessons learned from the Post-Fukushima Food Monitoring. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistr, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Chronologies of Unusual Radionuclide Releases in Europe in 2017: The Episodes of I-131 in Spring and Ru-106 in Fall. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Reference Material for Neutron Activation Analysis of Environmental and Geological Materials: Rolf Zeisler's Legacy for Analytical Metrology. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Induction of Changes in the Crystal Chemical Structure of a Terbium Compound by Picomolar Traces of Americium. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on plutonium containing particles by rL-SNMS, Livermore (LLNL) 04.04.2018
(2018): Quasi-non-destructive Investigations of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionization SIMS, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Comparison of radionuclide contents in food and environmental samples from Northern Europe and Japan. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Aspects of quality assurance of radiostrontium separation via strontium selective resins, RCA Workshop, Dresden, Germany, June 2018
(2018): Isolation of Radiosilver Nuclides for Forensic Evaluation of Possibly Damaged Reactor Cores. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2018): Chemical and Radioanalytical Investigations of Ruthenium-106 in Environmental Samples. Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, (MARC XI), Kona, HI, USA, 8.-13. April 2018
(2017): Eintrag von Radionukliden in norddeutsches Grundwasser am Beispiel eines Trinkwassergewinnungsgebietes, GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, 10. - 14.09.2017, Berlin
(2017): Learning Outcomes for Education & Training Programs for Radiation Protection Officers responsible for open radioactive sources – a German – Dutch comparison, ETRAP 2017, 30.05.-02.06.2017, Valencia, Conference-Proceedings
(2017): Excitation scheme development for resonant Laser-SNMS on strontium, 2017 Frühjahrstagung DPG Mainz
(2017): Resonant Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry for Ultra-trace Analysis of Actinides and Their Fission Products, 2017 GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Berlin
(2017): Spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis on actinides and their fission products by resonant Laser-SNMS, Actinides 2017 Sendai
(2017): Plants and mushroom in remediation of radioactively contaminated areas, RAD 2017, Budva, Montenegro, 12-16 June
(2017): Phytoremediation techniques for radionuclide contaminated areas, 3rd International Science-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Radiochemistry and Radioecology, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 13-17 November
(2017): Role and Implementation of Dose Modelling in Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Final ENTRIA Conference “Research on Radioactive Waste Management, Ethics – Society – Technology”, 26. - 30. September 2017, Braunschweig
(2017): Long-term safety assessment – results from expert interviews, Pre-Event Workshop “Radioecology as a Support to Regulatory Decision Making on NORM and other Legacies”, 4th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, 3. September 2017, Berlin
(2017): Transfer Processes of Iodine-129 in Soil, Final ENTRIA Conference “Research on Radioactive Waste Management, Ethics – Society – Technology”, 26. - 30. September 2017, Braunschweig,
(2017): Strahlenschutz im Notfall eines schweren kerntechnischen Unfalls, 7. Seminar Medizin auf dem Österberg, Tübingen, 20.10.2017
(2017): Strahlenschutz im Notfall eines schweren kerntechnischen Unfalls, 7. Seminar Medizin auf dem Österberg, Tübingen, 20.10.2017
(2017): Unsicherheit, Nachweisbarkeit und Konformität, Tagungsband FS Jahrestagung 2017, 09. - 12. Oktober 2017, Hannover: DAS NEUE STRAHLENSCHUTZRECHT - EXPOSITIONSSITUATIONEN UND ENTSORGUNG, pp. 190 – 195.
(2017): Untersuchung ausgewählter Aspekte des Migrationsverhaltens von Uran und Radium, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, 23.11.2017
(2017): Speciation of Uranium: Verification of a database by modelling techniques and comparative experiments, Migration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
(2017): Calculation of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive Waste, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 5 of 5 (2017) 1932-1938 More info
ISBN: 978-0-9989666-5-6 -
(2017): Herstellung und Charakterisierung eines Beryllium-7 Tracers aus Regenwasser, SAAGAS26, 20. - 22.02.2017 Wien
(2017): Eintrag von I‐129 und I‐127 in Fließgewässer und andere Umweltkompartimente, Radioaktivität in Forschung und Umwelt - 60 Jahre Radiologie in der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Kolloquium 19./20.09.2017, Koblenz
(2017): Sensitivität von Trinkwasserreservoiren in Bezug auf den Eintrag von künstlichen Radionukliden, Abschlussworkshop des KVSF, 04. - 05.04.2017, Lindau
(2017): Using saprophytic fungi for the short-to-mid-term stabilization of radionuclides in soils, Migration, 10.09. - 15.09.2017 Barcelona
(2017): Kinetic sutdies on the sorption of Sr-85 by various soils, Migration 2017, 10.09. - 15.09.2017, Barcelona
(2017): Food safety after Fukushima (plenary lecture), International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA), Vilnius, Lithuania; 30 May 2017
(2017): Fukushima und die Strahlenangst: Radioaktivität in Österreich und in der Umwelt, Rotary Club Hainburg, Austria; 6 September 2017
(2017): A comparison of the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima, Nuclear Emergency Expert Meeting (NEXT). Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany; 30 August 2017
(2017): Lessons learned from the post-Fukushima food monitoring program, International Conference on Food Safety and Health Risk on Human Populations Post Nuclear Accident. Taiwan, 16 December 2017
(2017): Fukushima’s (radio)chemical challenges, International Conference on Chemistry of the Environment (ICCE). Oslo, Norway; 20 June 2017
(2017): Using animal thyroids as ultra-sensitive biomonitors for environmental iodine-131, ICRP/ERPW 2017, Paris, France; 11 October 2017
(2017): A peculiar case of an actinide-induced shift of the ‘gadolinium break’, ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA; 30 October 2017
(2017): Biologische Verfahren zur Strahlenschutzvorsorge bei Radionuklidbelastungen nach Nuklearunfällen, Wissenschaftsforum der GDCh. Berlin, Germany; 13 September 2017
(2017): A peculiar case of an actinide-induced shift of the ‘gadolinium break’ , GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, Berlin, Germany; 14 September 2017
(2017): Update on the ESI-Orbitrap mass spectrometer: redesign of the ion source region and its implications for measurements in aquatic systems and first MS/MS-data on molybdenum species in strongly acidic media, IRE Institutskolloquium, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, 27. September 2017
(2017): Implementing the EU BSS: Implications for the system of Education and Training in Germany, ETRAP 2017, 30.05.-02.06.2017, Valencia, Conference-Proceedings
(2017): New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Cape Town, South Africa, 09 - 13 May 2016, Volume 3 of 5 (2017) 1086-1093 More info
ISBN: 978-0-9989666-3-2 -
(2017): Sekundärionisation radioaktiver Isotope zur ortsaufgelösten Ultraspurenanalyse, BMBF Statusgespräch, Dresden, 28.04.2017
(2017): „ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle. Das Standortauswahlgesetz, die Empfehlungen der Kommission und internationaler Vergleich, LPS Sommerschule, Berlin, 29.06.2017
(2017): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis, Uni Wien, Wien, 02.03.2017
(2017): Quasi-zerstörungsfreie Untersuchungen an einzelnen Actinid Partikeln mit “Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry”, Festkolloquium für G. Geipel, Dresden, 03.11.2017
(2017): Interdisciplinary Education and Training in and by ENTRIA, ENTRIA Conference, Braunschweig, 27.09.2017
(2017): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis, DPG Frühjahrstagung, Mainz, 07.03.2017
(2017): Quasi-non-destructive Investiagtions of Actinide Particles Recent Applications of the Secondary Neutral Ionisation SIMS, Migration, Barcelona, 13.09.2017
(2017): Nuclear track detection in radioecology: Investigation of hot particles in Chernobyl and Fukushima” , ICNTM, Strasbourg, 28.09.2017
(2017): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste - The German Case, IHLRWM (ANS), Charlotte, NC, 12.04.2017
(2017): ENTRIA: Forschung zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle, Strahlenschutz in Medizin, Forschung und Industrie (TÜV Süd), Marburg, 07.12.2017
(2017): Radioecology and the Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste – the Interdisciplinary Research Project ENTRIA - , ICRER, Berlin, 04.09.2017
(2017): Determination of strontium-90 in food concentrates from Japan, SAAGAS26, Wien, Februar 2017 | File |
(2016): Iodine-129 in soils from northern Ukraine and the retrospective disimetry of the iodine-131 exposure after the Chernobyl accident, DPG Früjahrstagung 2016, 29. 02. - 04. 03. 2016, Hannover
(2016): γ-spectrometric and laser spectroscopic investigations on the uptake of 243Am in (plant) cells, 10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July
(2016): Chemistry of long-lived radionuclides relevant for waste disposal, ENTRIA Sommerschule, Bad Honnef
(2016): From Radioecology in Fukushima to the Disposal of High Level Waste, Moscow State University, Moskau, 20.10.2016
(2016): Wie lange wird der „Atom- ausstieg“ wirklich dauern?, Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 12.11.2016
(2016): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis, NRC, Helsinki, 30.8 2016
(2016): Resonant Laser-SNMS on actinides for spatially resolved ultra-trace analysis, Pu Futures, Baden Baden, 19.09.2016
(2016): Dose Limits in Radioactive Waste Management: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the German ENTRIA Project, IRPA, Kapstadt, 09.05.2016
(2016): Entsorgungsoptionen für HAW. Die Schaffung interdisziplinärer Bewertungsgrundlagen in ENTRIA, Jahrestagung Fachverband f. Strahlenschutz, Heringsdorf Usedom, 28.09.2016
(2016): Status und Gesamteinordnung der AP des IRS: 4.2 Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf Transferfaktoren, ENTRIA Jahrestreffen, Berlin, 18.11.2016
(2016): 4.2 AP Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungsoptionen 4.6 AP Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf Transferfaktoren 2.3 AP Kritische Evaluation der AVV zu §47 StrlSchV, ENTRIA TP 4 Treffen, Delemont, 07.04.2016
(2016): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA & einige Kommentare zum Kommissionsbericht, Arbeitskreis Entsorgung des FS, Lubmin, 29.09.2016
(2016): Calculations of Dose Rates at the Surface of Storage Containers for High-Level Radioactive Waste, 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Kapstadt, Südafrika (2016)
(2016): 5 Jahre Fukushima – Katastrophe und Wiederaufbau, Begrüßungsrede zum Symposium an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 01.09.2016
(2016): Food Safety after Fukushima: the Beef Issue, Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Conference, Budapest, 10.-15. April 2016
(2016): Vorstellung des Instituts für Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz, Zukunftstag, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 28.4.2016
(2016): Tschernobyl, Fukushima und die Angst vor Strahlung, Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 12.11.2016
(2016): The Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection, Seminar, SEAPGEM, Kiev, Ukraine, 27.10.2016
(2016): Radioökologische Untersuchungen nach dem Reaktorunfall von Fukushima, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Berlin, 14.09.2016
(2016): Radionuclide analysis after the Fukushima nuclear accident: from routine monitoring to scientific challenges, JGU Mainz, 14.11.2016
(2016): Tschernobyl, Fukushima und warum wir Angst vor Strahlung haben, Saturday Morning Lecture, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 24.4.2016
(2016): Tschernoby, Fukushima und warum wir Angst vor Strahlung haben, Science in the Pub, Gesellschaft für kritisches Denken, 15.6.2016
(2016): 30 Jahre Tschernoby, 5 Jahre Fukushima und warum wir Angst vor Strahlung haben, Öffentlicher Vortrag, Steinbach am Attersee, 26.7.2016
(2016): Fünf Jahre nach Fukushima: Neue Erkenntnisse und Herausforderungen, DGMP Webinar, 28.04.2016
(2016): Radionuclide analysis after the Fukushima nuclear accident, Koordinierungsgespräche, HZDR Dresden, 23.-24.06.2016
(2016): Der Reaktorunfall von Fukushima - Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft und die Menschen, Symposium zum 5. Jahrestag der Katastrophe von Fukushima, Neues Rathaus, Hannover, 11.03.2016
(2016): Releases of radioactive particles from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site caused by debris removal operations, European Aerosol Conference, Tours, 05.09.2016
(2016): Resuspension of deposited radioactive material from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP site (Poster), European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 22.04.2016
(2016): Public opinion in the site selection process: survey methodologies, Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 1, 305–306
DOI: -
(2016): Oxidative stress generated by nanomolar plutonium in Solanum tuberosum L. Plants, 10th International BioMetals Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 10-15 July.
(2016): Low level Pu-242 exposure to potato plants reduces NO generation but increases H2O2 production, 6th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, Granada, Spain, 14-16 September.
(2016): Does nanomolar plutonium concentration generate oxidative stress in Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato) plants?, RAD 2016, Nis, Serbia, 23-27 May
(2016): Spectroscopy and Laser-SNMS on stable and radioactive Strontium, Frühjahrstagung DPG Hannover
(2016): New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry, Practising Radiation Protection: sharing the experiences - new challenges, IRPA 14, 09. -13. Mai 2016 in Kapstadt
(2016): The nano-ESI and DESI source Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer: fundamentals and possible applications, IRE Institutskolloquium, HZDR, Dresden-Rossendorf, May 18th 2016
(2016): Iodine-129 and stable iodine in natural waters from Fuhrberger Feld catchment near Hannover, Northern Germany, DPG Frühjahrstagung, 29 February – 04 March 2016, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany
(2016): Radioecology after Fukushima, V Congresso de Proteção Contra Radiações da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra, 10-12.03.2016
(2016): The reactor accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi and its radiological consequences for the Japanese population, 80th Annual Meeting of the DPG and Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 6 - 11 March 2016, H. Bruhns (Hrsg.), pp. 53 - 68 (2016)
(2016): Radiation exposures in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, 14th Congress of IRPA, Cape Town, South Africa, 9 – 13 May 2016
(2016): The reactor accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi and its radiological consequences for the Japanese population, DPG Fühjahrstagung 2016 Regensburg, DPG Arbeitskreis Energie, Vorträge auf der DPG-Tagung 2016
(2016): New Remote Controlled Experiments in Nuclear Chemistry, Practising Radiation Protection: sharing the experiences - new challenges, IRPA 14, 09. -13. Mai 2016, Kapstadt
(2015): Iodine-129 in the atmosphere on the Zugspitze, DPG Früjahrstagung 2015, Heidelberg, 23.-27. März
(2015): Vergleichbare 129I-Konzentrationen und 129I/127I-Isotopenverhältnisse in Schnee von der Zugspitze und in Nordseewasser?, GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, 30.8. - 2.9. 2015, Dresden
(2015): Risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive waste and radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas, 15.5. 2015 Kyoto University Dept.of Nuclear Engineering
(2015): Radioecology of long lived radionuclides at contaminated areas and risk assessment of disposal options for high level radioactive waste, Cluster Research Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, 12.05.2015
(2015): Uranium contaminations along the Mulde river history and recent developments, Research School of Radiation Sciences, München, 10.03.2015
(2015): Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungssoptionen , Beiratsmeeting ENTRIA, Berlin, 11.03.2015
(2015): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA - Radiologische Aspekte –, 28.5.2015 , Bonn, Strahlenschutzkommission Ausschuss Radioökologie
(2015): Dissolution studies on molybdenum-based inert matrix fuels for the transmutation of minor actinides, First SACSESS International Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, 04/22/2015 – 04/24/2015
(2015): Dis-solution Behavior of MgO- and Mo-Based Inert Matrix Fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and Minor Actinides, Global 2015, Paris, France, 09/20/2015 – 09/24/2015
(2015): Einfluss der Radionuklidspeziation auf die Plutonium-Aufnahme von Nutzpflanzen, Doktoranden-Kolloquium von ENTRIA am 08.10.2015, Braunschweig
(2015): Oxidative stress generated by moderate uranium in Pisum sativum plants, RAD 2015, Budva, Montenegro, 8-12 June
(2015): Remediation of radioactive residues: risk communication in practice, „Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites: from Recognition to Resolution“. Workshop hosted by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Oslo, 17. – 19. November 2015, Seite 92 - 96. More info
(2015): Heterogenität von Grenzwertsystemen – Strukturen, Konzepte Werkstattgespräch ‛Grenzwertbildung im Strahlenschutz’, ENTRIA-Verbundprojektes, 27. Januar 2015, Braunschweig
(2015): Characterization of mixed Mo-Zr solution species by nano-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
(2015): How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nano ESI-TOF-MS, E-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille | File |
(2015): How does Iron influence the dissolution behavior of Mo based generation IV reactor fuel? New insights using nanoESI-TOF-MS, GDCh Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2015, Dresden, Germany, 08/30/2015 – 09/02/2015
(2015): Investigations on the solution behavior of new Mo fuel matrices for generation IV reactors by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, E-MRS Spring Meeting 15, 11-15 May, Lille
(2015): Revisiting Foundation and Exploring Frontiers., International Symposium on Isotope Hdydrology, 11 – 15 May 2015, Vienna International Center (VIC), Austria.
(2015): New Challenges with New Technologies., International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2015), 21 – 25 September 2015, Thessaloniki
(2015): 60 Jahre Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Atmosphäre durch den DWD, DWD, Offenbach, 12. November 2015
(2015): Radon and risk: uncertainties of the dose-effect relationship in the low-dose region, the Radon dose coefficients and the limits for Radon in homes, GREWIS-Consortium Annual Meeting 2015, GSI, 28.9.2015
(2015): Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from Fukushima, DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015, 23. - 27. März 2015, Heidelberg
(2015): Determination of plutonium and uranium in environmental samples from Fukushima, MARC X, 12. - 17. April 2015, Kailua Kona
(2015): Developing remote controlled experiments for the Cooperation in education and training in Nuclear Chemistry (CINCH-II), GDCh WIssenschaftsforum, 30.08. - 02.09.2015, Dresden
(2014): The impact of the U(VI) speciation on U(VI) uptake and stress response in Pisum sativum, IGD-TP Geodisposal 2014 Conference, Manchester, U.K., 24-26 June
(2014): Application of AMS for determination of I-129 in soil profiles from the northern and southern hemisphere, DPG Früjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, 17.-21. März
(2014): Großflächiger Eintrag, Inventare und Transport von Iod-129 und Iod-127 in Deutschland, KVSF -Strahlung und Umwelt II, 25. - 26. März 2014, Hannover
(2014): Bestimmung von Iod-129 und Iod-127 in Umweltproben -Messungen und Interpretation, AKU-92-Sitzung. 16-17.10.2014, PTB, Braunschweig
(2014): Wie invasiv ist der Electrospray-Ionisationseffekt?, DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, 17.-21. März
(2014): Iodine isotopes (127I and 129I) in soils from Germany, Fourth European IRPA congress, Radiation Protection Culture- A global challenge. 23-27 June 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
(2014): Mass Spectrometry in radioecology research – long lived man made radionuclides, ISMAS, Parwanoo, H.P., India, 11.03.2014
(2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS, Kolloquium Universität Jena, Jena, 28.05.2014
(2014): Vergleich der radiologischen Gefährdung für verschiedene Entsorgungssoptionen, ENTRIA Risiko Workshop, Zürich,09.07.2014
(2014): Immobilization of long-lived iodine into inert matrices, Workshop "Radiation damage in structures – Relevance for nuclear waste disposal; Körber Foundation, Hamburg, 14.07.2014
(2014): Migration soil – water interface after liquid releases Future Exposures from Contaminated Sites, Heraeus Schule, Bad Honnef, 16.08.2014
(2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS Hannover, PSI Kolloquium, Villigen, Schweiz, 07.10.2014
(2014): From Fukushima to the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Germany - Radioecology at the IRS Hannover, Kolloquium Universität Helsinki, Helsinki, 17.10.2014
(2014): Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle - Radioökologie und Strahlenschutz am IRS, FI Geo Kolloquium, Hannover, 10.11.2014
(2014): Entsorgungsoptionen für hochradioaktiven Abfall das interdisziplinäre Projekt ENTRIA, Die Nacht die Wissen schafft, Hannover, 15.11.2014
(2014): Hochaufgelöste Oberflächenanalytik an plutoniumhaltigen Proben mit Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometrie (TOF-SIMS), Aufbereitung von Wasserproben und Nachweis von Radionukliden in Wasserproben, Karlsruhe, 26.11.2014
(2014): Vorstellung des interdisziplinären Projekts ENTRIA, EL Symposium FV Strahlenschutz, Mainz, 24.09.2014
(2014): ENTRIA: interdisciplinary views on disposal options for heat generating radioactive waste, NUSAFE Kickoff, Jülich, 08.10.2014
(2014): Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based Inert Matrix Fuel for the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinides, First joint workshop on f-element chemistry, University of Manchester, UK 04/28/2014 – 04/30/2014
(2014): Dissolution behavior of MgO and Mo based inert Matrix fuel for the Transmutation of Plutonium and minor actinides, 13th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation – IEMPT13, IEMPT13, Seoul, Korea, 09/23/2014 – 09/26/2014
(2014): Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry: Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel, 8th European Summer School on Separation Chemistry and Conditioning as well as Supramolecular, Inter-molecular, Interaggregate Interactions, Bonn, Germany, 07/07/2014 – 07/09/2014 (2014)
(2014): Dissolution of Mo-based CerMet fuel: ESI-TOF MS speciation in nitric acid medium, 17th Radiochemical Conference, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, 05/11/2014 – 05/16/2014
(2014): Grundlagen zum Strahlenschutz: Natürliche und künstliche Strahlenexposition und ihre biologische Strahlenwirkung, AP-Bearbeitertreffen vom Projekt ENTRIA in Goslar am 20.03.2014
(2014): Uranium exposure reduce NO generation but increase H2O2 production in Pisum sativum plants, 5th Plant NO Club Meeting, Nymphenburg, Munich, Germany, 24-25 July