Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection Research Publications Publications - Details
adionuclide pollution inside the Fukushima Daiichi exclusion zone, part 1: Depth profiles of radiocesium and strontium-90 in soil

adionuclide pollution inside the Fukushima Daiichi exclusion zone, part 1: Depth profiles of radiocesium and strontium-90 in soil

Categories Veröffentlichungen
Year 2017
Authors Rosenberg, B.L., Ball, J.E., Shozugawa, K., Korschinek, G., Hori, M., Nanba, K., Johnson, T.E., Brandl, A., Steinhauser, G.
Published in Applied Geochemistry 85 (2017) 201-208

DOI 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.06.003