Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection Research Publications Publications - Details
First <sup>236</sup>U data from the Arctic Ocean and use of <sup>236</sup>U/<sup>238</sup>U and <sup>129</sup>I/<sup>236</sup>U as a new dual tracer

First 236U data from the Arctic Ocean and use of 236U/238U and 129I/236U as a new dual tracer

Categories Veröffentlichungen
Year 2016
Authors N.Casacuberta, P.Masqué, G.Henderson, M.Rutgers van-der-Loeff, D.Bauch, C.Vockenhuber, A.Daraoui, C.Walther, H.-A.Synal, M.Christl
Published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 440 (2016) 127-134

DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.020