Leibniz Universität Hannover - Institute for Radioecology and Radiation Protection

The Institute for Radioecology and Radiation Protection (IRS) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover is the only universal institution in the field of radioecology in Germany. The IRS is dealing with the detection and diffusion of radionuclides in the environment, human dose assessment when exposed to anthropogenic or natural radionuclides and radiation protection. Furthermore the IRS is contributing in the creation of standards (e.g. DIN ISO 11929) and to the education in radiation protection.
The educational offer at the IRS in the field of radioactivity is part of several master studies of the faculty Mathematics and Physics as well as other natural science faculties. Six lectures and three different practical courses are being offered. Additionally the students may earn expertise in radiation protection as it is for example required to conduct experiments regarding radioactivity on academic high schools. The IRS is conducting courses to acquire different technical knowledge groups according to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and German X-ray Ordinance (RöV) with about 1.200 participants each year.
In the field of radiation protection the area of conflict between the arithmetic individual risk (e.g. based on ICRP risk coefficients) and the heavily diverging individual risk perception is especially well known by non-professionals. An approach from a purely technical and natural-science point of view will not lead to a satisfying solution. As a consequence the IRS has always been working together with social scientists. The project ENTRIA gives the chance to extend the scope of this work to the in the last decades controversially discussed disposal of highly radioactive residues together with a group of valued experts of all disciplines involved. Another very important aspect is the multidisciplinary education of young scientists via interdisciplinary lectures and PhD thesis.
Work Packages (WP) of the IRS within the ENTRIA Project
Transversal Project 1 (Synthesis, Coordination and Communication):
Transversal Project 2 (Technology Assesment and Governance):
- WP 2.3: Critical Evaluation of the General Administrative Provision (AVV) to §47 StrlSchV (Radiation Protection Ordiance)
- WP 2.4: Knowledge and Appreciation in the Public
Transversal Project 4 (Interdisciplinary Risik Research):
Staff Members of the IRS within the ENTRIA Project
- Prof. Dr. Clemens Walther
- Dipl.-Sozialwiss. Cord Drögemüller
- Dipl. Geol. Claudia König
- Dr. Laura Lütke
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Michel
- Dr. Erik Pönitz
- Dipl.-Kfm. Christian Tzschentke
- M.Sc. Frank Tawussi